Dual training in Thailand
In Thailand, Technical and Vocational Colleges are a key part of the education system. In order to graduate from school, students may choose a purely academic path, dual training or various short training programs but, as Dominique-Navina Pantke from the galvanic technology department at Fraunhofer IPA explains: “Cooperations with businesses from the galvanic industry for dual training are not as established as in Germany, for example.” That would explain the lack of qualified workers, at least at first glance. Additionally, university degrees are generally held in higher esteem than vocational training in Thailand and as a result, many young people do not even consider this path.
In order to alleviate this lack of qualified workers, the scientists at Fraunhofer IPA have launched the Vocational Education and Qualification Measures for Galvanic Technology in Thailand SCHOOLPLATE project. Under the aegis of the Stuttgart-based research institute, the team, which consists of colleagues from the MMRI and the BIBB in Bonn, is working on a future-proof concept.