Together with gwk, Fraunhofer IPA has developed “Logotherm 4.0 - the process temperature control of the future”. The temperature control systems give a transparent view of all process and conditional data. Therefore, reaction times are shorter and predictive maintenance has increased the availability. This provides a basis for new data-based business models.
All information from the temperature control systems is are recorded via a connection to the cloud platform “Virtual Fort Knox”. There, the data is analyzed and processed by diverse services, for example to ascertain states and predictively determine dates for the next maintenance tasks. Key parameters are displayed on a production dashboard.
“Our process know-how and the manufacturing IT expertise of the DigITools Competence Center at Fraunhofer IPA have complemented each other perfectly. Our temperature control systems now give a transparent overview of all data. For us, the trade fair demonstrator provides the technical basis for new business models with digital added-value services.”
Guido Peters, Head of Development