New evaluation model detects productivity potentials between 6 and 10 percent through cycle time reduction of Freudenberg machines

In Short

In the pilot project »Integrative Machine Benchmark« Fraunhofer IPA has developed an approach for Freudenberg Sealing Technologies that can be used to further optimise several already standardised machines. The scientists used data-driven evaluation models that assess external sensor signals and machine data to determine how long different machines need for individual sub-steps of a machining process. On 5 machines, optimisation potential between 6 and 10 per cent has been revealed by reducing the technical auxilliary process time

Combining the shortest processing time per time sub-step from all machines analysed results in a new optimal process time, the so-called best practice mix.

In detail

Freudenberg machines for the production of sealing components are already highly standardised. Nevertheless by applying a benchmark on several machines, optimisation potentials have been detected within the technical auxilliary process time which lead to a higher OEE. Specifically, the scientists used additional sensors and evaluated machine data. The fused data input is decomposed into time blocks representing process sub-steps, which are found recursively in all machines. If you now combine all shortest time modules, a new, optimal process time results as a theoretical benchmark. Individual deviations can be explained more clearly now: For example, where the movement of an axis is slower in one machine than in others and whether this is due to wear or pneumatic valve settings. With the detailed results of the machine benchmark, Freudenberg can now specifically adjust the components with the largest deviations and, if necessary, replace them.

Comparing the processing cycle time of all considered machines with the best practice value reveals potentials for optimising the waiting time and the auxiliary process time for each machine.

“The collaboration with Fraunhofer IPA revealed hidden potential of 6-10% per machine in the cycle time. In addition to that, we now have a benchmark value for the minimum possible process time.”

Ed Borger, Global Vice President Lean/Growth