Based on current technologies, an interactive electronic dementia coach combines technical, medical and organizational solutions in order to positively influence the course of dementia and to achieve a much higher quality of life for all stakeholders.
The increasing number of dementia cases and the challenges in caring for people with dementia have not only sensitized relatives and caregivers to this issue. As an important social issue, also for the future, new approaches for dealing with this disease must be found.
The goal of the BMBF-funded project PflegeCoDe is to develop a support system for relatives and caregivers that supports the individual life situation of people with dementia throughout the entire course of dementia in a targeted and needs-based manner using innovative technologies. While previous offers for dementia support are often purely informative, PflegeCoDe aims to create the basis for integrating and developing sensors and available apps. A strong focus of Fraunhofer IPA is on the development of "serious games", which serve both to monitor the course of the disease and to activate patients. The challenge here is to meet the special and individual needs of the users.