KI-noW – artificial intelligence to sustainably optimize value creation

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Digitized head with hands

In short

To help Bavarian companies digitize their factory operations, AI processes for use in production are being researched and a demonstration factory is being built to consolidate knowledge on how to harness company data on a sustainable basis.


In detail

In the KI-noW project, three fields of action are addressed: processes that support value creation, mass customization processes, and the control of variant diversity in assembly. Three corresponding research areas focus on investigating how value-adding processes can be optimized in these fields. In addition to the use of AI methods and tools for analyzing and optimizing data, the emphasis is on the collection and provision of the necessary smart data. Solutions are also being developed and researched on how to make analysis results and optimization potential available to humans.

The research results are validated through case studies, while demonstrators with prototype applications enable companies to learn and experience the results.

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