In our Center for Dispersion Technology (CDT), we bring together what belongs together. Cross-border cooperation partnerships are key to solving a wide variety of tasks in industry. Top scientists from other major research institutions or companies, such as machine and equipment experts, enrich our project and research work in many ways and make a significant contribution to the quality of results.
The CDT sees itself primarily as a platform where industry and science can interact in the entire subject field of dispersions. A distinguishing feature: Working together in partnerships. Thus, as part of the CDT, partners from industry have the opportunity to jointly carry out customer projects and targeted customer workshops using the entire infrastructure and technology of our laboratories. If you are interested in the interactive transfer of knowledge between industry and research, then become a partner of our Center for Dispersion Technology.
Due to growing difficulties in finding qualified personnel, more and more companies are shifting the focus of their recruitment policy towards practice-based training for young scientists. In contrast with a purely university-based education, the CDT closes a gap by working out a suitable topic together with the industrial partner and then taking over the supervision of scientific theses, master theses and dissertations as well as communication with the supervising professor.
Are you also interested in a cooperation with the CDT? Then get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you. Call +49 711 970-3668 or send us an e-mail.