The Department of Functional Materials offers comprehensive testing procedures and methods for joining materials - both at the development stage and in the event of failure.
The Department of Functional Materials is expanding its portfolio to include the topic of failure analysis for adhesively bonded, sealed and contacted joins. The department covers these topics from the development of scientific principles to their application in industrial environments. Interdisciplinary teams from the field of surface and materials engineering handle failure analysis enquiries concerning adhesives, sealants and multi-material contacts.
The experience gained from more than 50 years of research and development work in surface engineering, the highly diverse expertise of the scientists and the available laboratories and test facilities in our technical centers enable us to provide services and carry out research and development orders both promptly and to a high standard.
Adhesive bonding, sealing and contacting are methods used in almost all product segments for permanent joins. The complexity of these topics presents both manufacturers and research institutes with new challenges time and again. For example, joining different material combinations is often problematic with regard to the long-term stability of the join, as well as compatibility with solvents (battery production) and the drying process. Furthermore, existing application processes must be adapted for newly developed joining materials so that they can be processed. In a first step, this includes in-depth failure analyses.
To assess the processing characteristics and application potential of adhesives, fundamental knowledge of their material properties is required. In particular, thermal and rheological characterization methods can provide decisive information. These methods can be used to determine application parameters such as processing time (pot life), viscosity, hardness and curing conditions, which are instrumental in evaluating the possibilities for use and the choice of application. In addition, mechanical and optical characterizations make it possible to evaluate the tensile and adhesive strength of an adhesive and to optically analyze fractures.
Material selection - determination and evaluation of adhesive and sealant formulations
Process definition - process selection based on determined processing properties
Failure analysis - evaluation of adhesives and sealants under different environmental conditions
Functionalization - formulation of functional adhesives and sealants