The aim of the joint research project is to demonstrate the feasibility of dismantling of battery modules and e-drive units in an automated process and on an industrial scale, taking economic and regulatory conditions into account.
The main outcome of the project are four demonstrators. Three of them serve to validate and illustrate the feasibility of the industrial and (partially) automated disassembly of battery modules from battery systems (Demonstrator 1) and of battery cells from battery modules (Demonstrator 2). Demonstrator 3 shows how individual battery cells are dismantled and how the various materials are separated into fractions; it also validates the suitability of the recovered cathode and anode materials for reuse in the production of new battery cells. The fourth demonstrator validates and illustrates the feasibility of the industrial and (partially) automated disassembly of electric drive units.
As part of the accompanying research, a simulation model is also being developed which will enable the disassembly aspect of business models to be evaluated and optimized under consideration of future market developments.